Monday, October 25, 2010

What's going on...

Still here.  Juggling three kids and life :)  Still doing projects when I can squeeze them in.  Still not having the energy to photograph them. 

I have tentatively opened an etsy shop.  I've been told that it takes a very long time to get a shop going, so advice given to me has been to just post a few items and gradually increase as things sell.  That way you're not paying listing fees on a whole slew of items that expire and have to be reposted. 

Here it is, but there's way more stuff I'd like to add.  I'm kind of testing the waters with some stuff that made it home with me from the craft sale.


I'll put a widget in the side bar as well. 

I'm going to attempt a quilt.  I always thought quilts were such an old lady thing - my great grandmother made some BEAUTIFUL ones that I loved snuggling up under as a kid... so I associated her with them.  And quilting bees and all the other cute/quaint things that I have now come to appreciate.  I sure wish I was living in "simpler" times like they were.

Here's the tutorial I'm going to use - but - I'm going to make it larger.

Quilting Made Simple

Basting tips I'm going to need

Binding tips unless I find someone who will do it for me...

If you haven't heard, the price of raw cotton has skyrocketed.  I'm curious how much that is going to make fabric go up.  One can only assume quite a lot - and I am not sure how much of my stash I want to mess up if this quilt goes wrong.  Ha ;)  So, if I start hoarding fabric - please call A&E on me, ok?


1 comment:

leave me comments - please, please... pretty please?